Member of SCNAT

SSOM promotes the technical sciences in Switzerland, notably in the fields of optics, microscopy and nanotechnology. It represents its members to the outside world, exchanges experience, fosters national and international cooperation and provides specialist knowledge.

Image: sinhyu,


Become a member

What can the SSOM do for you?

The SSOM membership allows you to:

  • Be a member of the European Optics society (EOS) or the European Microscopy Society (EMS).
  • Be a member of the International Federation of Societies in Microscopy (IFSM)
  • Access to scholarships (European Microscopy Society, European Optics Society, Swiss Academy of Sciences)
  • Receive the Microscopy & Technique journal
  • be eligible for Swiss Academy of Science travel grants
  • Join the SSOM research prices
  • profit from reduced fees at selected workshops, schools and conferences trhoughout Switzerland.
Offering young scientist to jopin international meetings

The SSOM has two Membership categories

1. Active members

Active membership automatically includes membership of the European Society (EMS for microscopy, EOS for Optics).
Active members are entitled to vote. They can take advantage of the advice and support provided by the SSOM and are regularly informed about events in the field of optics, microscopy and nanotechnology. For particularly time-consuming services, the SSOM can demand appropriate compensation. Special expenses are to be reimbursed.

2. Honorary members
Honorary members can be personalities who have rendered outstanding services to optics, microscopy, nanotechnology or the SSOM. The general meeting decides on their admission. Honorary members are equal to active members, but do not have to pay membership fees.

Membership fee: 40.Fr. per year. First year for free (for registration in 2022).

Microscopy teaser
Image: Scott Capper

Becoming a member

Natural and legal persons as well as legal communities can become members of the SSOM.
Applications for the memberships provided for in § 4 must be addressed in writing to the board of the association. The board is responsible for the admission of active and collective members. The rejection of an application for membership does not have to be justified. Honorary members are appointed by the board and elected by the general meeting.

Interested? send an e-mail to:


SSOM can financially support young scientist to attend international meetings. More info and application:

SSOM resignation

The resignation of a member from the SSOM takes place at the end of the calendar year by written notification to the executive committee by 31 October of the same calendar year at the latest. It does not relieve you of the payment of the current annual contribution. If the contribution has not been paid for three years, the membership expires automatically.


Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy (SSOM)
c/o Dr. Marco Cantoni
Bat. MXC-132
Station 12
1015 Lausanne